Swimming. faster than michael phelps in that subway commercial. what does it mean? nobody really knows, as it is a fantasy-based social construction moderately applicable to the current societal pop landscape.
that sentence that i just wrote was a bunch of bullshit. it made me try and sound smarter than i actually am. though smartness is not a quantitative quality. wait no, i lied. it is. numbers are the only thing in the world that have concrete solutions. i guess thats why i hate them so much.
solutions, other than those chemical concoctions from your 5th grade science class (lugol's iodine yo), are unequivocally boring. a solution effectively provides a dead end. you can't go past its finity. thats that, and we cant change its outcome. what happened happened. the intense critical thinking used to solve the problem that this so-called solution has generated is now moot. its irrelevant. its donezo. we have the answer, and thats all that matters.
boo that.
I think the thing that makes life beautiful is lack of solutions. answers that cannot be fully explained are the answers worth exploring. this profound thesisishy thing may sound more counterproductive than T pain singing without autotune ( a question without an answer? how do I get an A?), but thats not the point. its never the point. not having a point is what makes us tick. it allows us to explore the ridiculousness around us. it allows us to clog our head with thoughts that are both exceedingly trivial and immaculately deep. it allows us to find, to procreate, and to, oddly enough, form conclusions. even if its the wrong conclusion, its still ours. its not given to us by someone.
Humans thrive on the ability to mentally construct. nearly every tangible thing in this world is a result of human thought. this couch, the chess pieces next to me and its inherent value, the concept of money, the fall fashion preview magazine with this girl who is not attractive enough for the cover, your i-pod, that disgusting new KFC sandwhich, and even those retarted silly bands.
some great, some not so great. either way, they all came to be because someone decided they wanted to create their own equation.
by not having a solution, you are removing rigidity. this may sound overly liberal and non-conformist, but i dont care. the human mind, when its not dumbing itself down with the bullshit of other human beings, craves this kind of stimulation. it doesn't matter if you even apply these thoughts into your cute little life scheme. the very fact that it allows you to ponder is just downright awesome.
maybe its better to make the math problem of your life unanswerable. this way, you won't spend 30 minutes checking over, making sure everything fell into place perfectly.
What if?
If we found out, we'd probably be disappointed with the answer. But what if we weren't?
song of the day: Faithfully, Journey
i'm don't usually like older rock, but i'm a big fan of this one. i'm also a big fan of the phrase big fan.
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