If you didn't catch the beginning to this thrilling tale and are too lazy to scroll two posts down, read this
Otherwise, lets rock and roll part 2
4:00 pm: I decided that despite bro-ing out with my obnoxiously frat star UCLA jersey (which easily could have been mistaken from a lax pinnie from afar) I needed to build upon my toolbag profile so that I could look Bradley Cooper's character from the hangover except 10 years younger. Thus, I decided to hit up Urban Outfitters with the factorial, whose texas blood was oozing for a USA bandana.
Urban outfitters, the prime shopping place for michael cera's character in Nick and Norah's infinite playlist, was bumping with people wearing checkered shirts, strange earrings, and shoes with different colored laces. Starting to exceed the google buzz, I may have let a comment or two slip about how those people were going to have to leave brooklyn because the Nets were moving there and hipsters don't support sports teams.
Although their sunglass collection was decidedly "deck", i found a nice pair of $14 knockoff aviators. I was going to the plastic pink look, which has been my go to for the past year, but the pair they had were much too artsy and poetic.
Oh, as we were walking, I found out that since the factorial couldn't move into his apt until later that day, he had been staying with a friend the past few days. That friend happened to live in the apartment that has more links to my past than StumbleUpon.com. I would elaborate more here, but that would probably get awkward and mean. So if you don't know, now you still don't know, my african-american compatriot.
5:37: Factorial starts moving into his apartment. I check out the crib because theres a decent chance I might live there when I come back from copenhagen. Being that the house was owned by the Knights of Columbus, a christian group, I was fully aware that the place wasn't going to fully stocked with Torah's, yarmulke's, and really dry kosher food that even jewish people don't like. However, I was pretty shocked to find that the place looked like a garage that Jesus used to chuck his extra stuff. Now, i'm not a religious person at all. The time I last went to temple, I had never even heard of Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Twitter, Ke$ha, Super Mash Bros, and even g-mail. However, this place was just too much. I was surprised they didn't give that bread wafer stuff when I walked in.
6:00: Meet up with Longoria and we head to do our radio show, where we meet our exuberant co-host Erin, who "runs shit" in womens crew. This reunion edition of forevan on the lance floor was probably the best show we have ever done, probably because we spent the whole time drinking from water bottles that didn't have water in them. There's a decent chance that we danced around in the booth the whole time, shouting lyrics to songs that are embarassing to know the lyrics to.
Highlight of the radio show:
Me (excitedly, to erin and evan): "Yooo...you know that song One in a Million By Miley Cyrus?"
Evan: (looking at me like i'm on crack while laughing): "no...."
I look at Erin. She's a girl, so if I know a miley song, she's got to
"Nope. Never heard of it."
Me (disbeleiving) "wow. you guys are totally lame"
Erin "this is coming from the person who just asked us if we knew a non-popular miley cyrus song."
7:34: Continue to consume certain things that rhyme with schmeer, this time at the house of looooooooowell karr, which I spent a good deal of the weekend at. It turns out that his house is pink. Although different people will be living in this certain pink house during the school year, one of my friends guaranteed that I will be back. Another friend, who wished to be unnamed because thats what journalists say, said there was absolutely no chance I would step foot in it again, and that he'd beat me with a mace if i did.* Thus, a bet was made regarding whether or not I will be back there. I didn't want to take either side, so I let the other party pick before I accepted the bet. I actually don't know which side I chose, but I guess we'll find out next february when I do/don't go back there.
*he didn't actually say that mace thing, but he kind of did. this last excerpt wasn't vague at all.
7:34-11:37- Nothing that important happened during this time, other than the fact that I kept imbibing inhibitors. I also ate some pretty american food, grilled by the rob the jewelry store gonna make me a grill himself, Mr. Evan Longoria... I met a kid who was going to denmark with me, to whom I replied, "what a dansk dansk revolution."He probably thought I was strange, but I don't really care...I also decided to tell everyone at this BBQ dinner/pregame that I was writing a book, and everyone immediately seemed to be more impressed with me. Its funny how that works. If I told them something equally interesting about myself, such as "I once walked home from my high school- it took two hours," they would have ran away faster than that girl at the bar in the very beginning of top gun. But since i'm writing a book, i'm suddenly impressive. Ambition. What a joke.
11:37: After spending even more time popping bottles in the ice like a blizzard, we head over to a party......
hanging on the cliff. I'd finish this now but I actually have to go dress up like Phill from the hangover. And no, i'm not joking.
song of the right now:
While my memory is a bit fuzzy, I feel like there is a part 3 to this story